Posts Tagged ‘Tokyo Fire Bombings’

From Above book release featured in Metropolis Magazine (Tokyo)

Friday, February 17th, 2012

..February 2012.. ..Tokyo..

A story written by Colin Buchan Liddell for Metropolis Magazine about From Above being released as a book.

From Above features my portraits of atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors from Tokyo and Dresden.

The book is available in Japan through Kinokuniya book store and In the US and Europe, it’s available by contacting me directly and soon through

FROM ABOVE featured on the John Batchelor Show, WABC Radio

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

My interview with talk show host John Batchelor was broadcast on WABC Radio this weekend. It was the first US interview about FROM ABOVE, my book featuring portraits and testimonials of atomic bomb survivors and firebombing survivors from Dresden and Tokyo.

The interview can now be heard on the web at this link:

The book can be purchased in the US, Japan and Europe from this links:

There will only be one edition of the book printed and we hope to have all copies sold by the end of the year.

March 10th, 1945 Tokyo fire bombings

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Hibakusha, atomic bomb Survivor, Mr. Masatoshi Tsunenari and Tokyo fire bombing Survivor Ms. Haruyo Nihei

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

..June 2010..
Hibakusha, atomic bomb Survivor, Mr. Masatoshi Tsunenari and Tokyo fire bombing Survivor Ms. Haruyo Nihei a block away from the epicenter where the atomic bomb was detonated in Nagasaki.

Ms. Haruyo Nihei, a Tokyo fire bombing Survivor I photographed for the original From Above series, accompanied the exhibition when it was shown at the Nagasaki Peace Museum during June/July 2010. She wanted to tell her story of surviving the 3/10 fire bombing of Tokyo to an atomic bomb Survivor.

Hibakusha Mr. Tsunenari agreed meet Ms. Nihei in Nagasaki. It was an amazing moment to see them listen and exchange stories. Tragic moments in time that changed their lives instantly.

It was the highlight of my trip to Nagasaki. I was proud the exhibition was shown at the Nagasaki Peace Museum. But to see the feelings of Ms. Nihei, it’s what I want From Above to be about. A project that eclipses my photos and allows others to reach out to one another. Seeing Mr. Tsunenari listen to and accept Ms. Nihei’s story of the 3/10 Tokyo fire bombings was moving. I believe it was a great feeling of relief to Ms. Nihei to be able to share her story.

Many of the 3/10 Survivors don’t get the recognition as others. The event is swept away as a side note in the history books and society. On March 10, 1945 more people died in Tokyo, during one night, than in both atomic bombings combined.

Ms. Haruyo Nihei

Monday, March 7th, 2011

East of the Elbe, half a world away from the Sumida

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

..December 2009 East of the Elbe, Dresden..

From Above photography exhibition in Dresden

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

..February 2011.. ..Dresden..

A short video shot by Iori Yoneda during the From Above exhibition in Dresden, Germany.

From Above was exhibited simultaneously in Dresden and Tokyo. A couple more days to catch to the exhibition before it closes in both cities.

Thank you to everyone in both cities who came to the exhibitions. A big thank you to the Dresden and Tokyo teams who made it possible for the photos to be exhibited. Without their tireless efforts none of this would be possible.

From Above exhibition in Dresden, Germany

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

From Above is my continuing series of portraits about atomic bomb Survivors and fire bombing survivors from Tokyo and Dresden. There are also events happening around the photo exhibition.

From Above
February 10th-28th, 2011
Ortsamt Blasewitz
Naumannstraße 5
010309 Dresden

From Above prints

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

..February 2011.. ..New York..

Signing and packing the gallery prints for Dresden and Tokyo.

This series of From Above includes portraits of Dresden fire bombing Survivors and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors.

From Above at Gallery EF, Tokyo featured in Asahi Newspaper

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

..February 2011.. ..Tokyo..

An article in Asahi Newspaper about the opening of From Above at Gallery EF in Tokyo.

The exhibition can be seen at Gallery EF until February 27th. This series from the project features Survivors of the Dresden fire bombings and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors.

The book featuring portraits from the entire project will be released in July 2011 by Contents Factory.