Posts Tagged ‘Striptease Burlesque’

Molly Crabapple

Friday, June 4th, 2010

..September 2006.. ..New York..

Portrait of Molly Crabapple for Striptease Burlesque exhibition. Absynthe Soaked Pleasures.

Jo Boobs

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

..January 2008 Basement of Slipper Room, New York..

Portrait of Jo Boobs on the red velvet couch.

Striptease Burlesque Exhibition at the Spring Gallery, Shanghai

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

..December 2007.. ..Shanghai, China..

Stills from the opening of the Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition at the Spring Gallery in Shanghai.

Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
The Spring Gallery
December 9, 2007- December 16, 2007
Opening Reception December 9 at 7PM
The Spring Gallery
Address: No.5. Lane 209, Nanchang Rd. Shanghai 200020, P.R. China
Tel: 021-64737578Fax: 021-64734802

Striptease Burlesque Exhibition Poster in Shanghai, China

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

..December 2007.. ..Shanghai, China..

Poster on the street in Shanghai for my Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition at the Spring Gallery.

Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
The Spring Gallery
December 9, 2007- December 16, 2007
Opening Reception December 9 at 7PM
The Spring Gallery
Address: No.5. Lane 209, Nanchang Rd. Shanghai 200020, P.R. China
Tel: 021-64737578Fax: 021-64734802

Rose Wood

Monday, April 19th, 2010

..January 2010 Rose Wood by the torn-up Andy Warhol Factory velvet couch..

Rose Wood.

Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition in Shanghai

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

..December 2007.. ..Shanghai, China..

Posters from Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition presented by JIBO Arts at the Spring Gallery, Shanghai China.

Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
The Spring Gallery
December 9, 2007- December 16, 2007
Opening Reception December 9 at 7PM
The Spring Gallery
Address: No.5. Lane 209, Nanchang Rd. Shanghai 200020, P.R. China
Tel: 021-64737578Fax: 021-64734802

Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition at Spring Gallery, Shanghia, China

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

..December 2007.. ..Shanghai..

Waca standing next to the giant window mounted prints at JIBO Arts, a week before being moved to the Spring Gallery for the Shanghai version of Striptease Burlesque.

Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
The Spring Gallery
December 9, 2007- December 16, 2007
Opening Reception December 9 at 7PM

The Spring Gallery
Address: No.5. Lane 209, Nanchang Rd. Shanghai 200020, P.R. China
Tel: 021-64737578Fax: 021-64734802

The Scientist and The Seal

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

..August 2006 East River Park..

Pinkie Special…The scientist and the seal. Pinkie is a scientist during the day. At night, she turns in her white lab coat for more provocative attire performing as burlesque dancer at the Slipper Room.

This was me in B/W natural light. Not aggressive with the camera. Trying to be someone else. I was very laid back, to reliant and not assertive.

It’s a good pin-up shot. As close to a pin-up I can do still being an environmental portrait. Good composition. The strong look in Pinkie’s eye is most important to me. Very confident. The seal is odd with a smile on his face….

In a warped way you see my sense of humor.


Anita Cookie

Friday, March 19th, 2010

..June 2006 DUMBO & Williamsburg..

I saw Anita Cookie in a bar entering a burlesque show. Set up a photo with her 2 weeks later. She wanted to portray a little girl trapped in a woman’s body. It best suits her burlesque character.

She had a couple of ideas but wanted to do a shot nude in public. I wasn’t as committed to the idea because it had been done often. But also because I wanted something a little more comical and the idea of have a little girl trapped in a woman’s body.

A number of looks from playing on a dirty sidewalk to holding a teddy bear while wearing lingre on a street corner. Wearing red lingre and holding the teddy bear. If these photos didn’t look good it will be my fault. She was very concise with her vision for the photo. I enjoyed taking this one the most. I just hope I got the shot.

This shot with the teddy bear made it to the last edit. The final shot used for the Striptease Burlesque exhibition was the photo of her sloppily tied to a light pole yelling or laughing. This teddy bear shot is still one of my favorites. This session was one of the most successful of the Striptease Burlesque project.
