Posts Tagged ‘Hibakusha’

Setsuo Uchino

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

..December 2016.. ..Nagasaki..

“My mother carried me and my younger sister on her back while she held the hand of my three-year-old brother, while we tried to escape up the mountain. However, there were corpses everywhere. Some of the eyes were popped out from the bodies, some parent’s and child were holding each other and burnt black and dead. It was just inferno. Some were without heads.”

-Setsuo Uchino, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor

Rumi Hanagaki

Friday, August 3rd, 2018


Suzuko Numata

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

..November 2010.. ..Hiroshima..

“I did not even think I had been saved.
I was filled with hate for a long time.
But now, I devote my life to telling others my story.
It is my responsibility to teach younger generations
about the dignity of life and the importance of peace.”

-Suzuko Numata, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor


Toshifumi Ohashi

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Documents 680

From Above at Gallery EF, Tokyo

Sunday, April 1st, 2018

..April 2018.. ..Tokyo..

From Above has been extended another week and will now close on April 9th. If you’re in Tokyo please come visit Gallery EF.

From Above, featuring portraits of atomic bomb and fire bombing victims from WWII, will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.

This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.

A few From Above limited edition books are exclusively available at Gallery EF or through this link . These are the only two ways to purchase a remaining limited edition book.

Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034

Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18

TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079

From Above exhibition at Gallery EF, Tokyo

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018

..March 2018.. ..Tokyo..

From Above exhibition at Gallery EF.

From Above will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.

This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.

Gallery EF is where the From Above project was conceived in 2008 and first exhibited in 2009. It is the project’s spiritual home.

From Above has been exhibited at Gallery EF several times but hasn’t returned in a couple of years. So there are plenty of new portraits that will be shown for the first time.

Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034

Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18

TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079

Nagasaki Shimbun

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

..February 2017.. ..Nagasaki..

The Nagasaki Shimbun just published an article about the From Above exhibtion which was held at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims. From Above features portraits of atomic bomb and fire bombing victims from WWII.

From Above

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

..December 2017.. ..Nagasaki..
Early morning photograph of hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) Takeshi Minekawa along the stream that flows near the hypocenter.

This was the first place I had been to when I arrived in Nagasaki during September 2008. I crossed over the stone paths in the water and found my way to the hypocenter where the atomic bomb was detonated over the city. In the hours and days after detonation the water in the streams overflowed because dead bodies were piling up, blocking the water from flowing down stream. The injured, dying of thirst, would go to the stream to drink water and usually die on the spot.

NHK World interview from Nagasaki

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

..December 2017.. ..Nagasaki..

NHK World broadcast an interview while I was photographing atomic bomb survivors at the From Above exhibition in Nagasaki.
Please click on this sentence to link to the broadcast.

You can also cut and paste this link into the browser:

Akira Fukahori

Monday, December 18th, 2017

…December 2017… …Nagasaki…

Just received the sad news that atomic bomb survivor Akira Fukahori passed away. He attended the From Above exhibition opening two days prior. Unfortunate and unexpected news. It was an honor to photograph him last year.