..August 2013.. ..Nagasaki..
Izumi putting up the large From Above posters in the window of the Nagasaki Prefecture Museum of Art.
We’re honored to have From Above exhibited at such a beautiful venue from August 8th-18th.
Link to article about the exhibition in the Nishi Nippon newspaper.
From Above exhibition:
Nagasaki Peace Museum, July 9th-August 2nd, 2013
Web Site (English): www.nagasakips.com/archives/category/subscription/english
Web site (Japanese): www.nagasakips.com
Nagasaki Prefecture Museum of Art, August 8th-18th, 2013
Web Site (English): www.nagasaki-museum.jp/english/
Web Site (Japanese): www.nagasaki-museum.jp/
A few remaining copies of the book are still available at PhotoEye.com