..October 2008 Asakusa..Tokyo..Me..What I’ve Found..
..June 2007.. ..New York to Tokyo..
..It’s noon on Sunday. I can’t get my mind off that’s it’s midnight on the Edge of The World.
My exhibition is closing as I stare at an elderly pot bellied Russian man jump into the blue water across the pool. 2 years worth of work exhibited in one short month.
..May 2007 Tokyo, Japan..
Gallery EF
..I watched a girl sign the gallery guest book for an hour. I don’t know what she wrote because it was in Japanese. I appreciate the sincere interest everyone I spoke to at the opening showed. It’s been a good emotional experience.
All the struggles and tremendous expenses were worth it. The feeling was worth every Pound, $, or Yen. Now it’s time to dream it up all over again.
..May 2007 Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan..
Cherry Typhoon….Close to the end of my trip. I woke up early to photograph Cherry Typhoon in Asakusa.
Jet lagged and eager. My mind is working again since I have a photo to take. The day off drove me crazy. I don’t do well with free time and nothing to do. The anxiety sets in that I’m wasting my time.
I feel good this morning. Would be a good time for a walk. I feel like a caged tiger. I’m ready now.