Archive for the ‘Tokyo’ Category
Elvis and The American Dream….
Monday, December 14th, 2009Cherry Typhoon
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009..May 2007 Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan..
Cherry Typhoon….Close to the end of my trip. I woke up early to photograph Cherry Typhoon in Asakusa.
Jet lagged and eager. My mind is working again since I have a photo to take. The day off drove me crazy. I don’t do well with free time and nothing to do. The anxiety sets in that I’m wasting my time.
I feel good this morning. Would be a good time for a walk. I feel like a caged tiger. I’m ready now.
Day Before the Opening of Striptease Burlesque at Gallery EF
Sunday, November 29th, 2009..May 2007 Tokyo..
Gallery EF in Asakusa and sitting in the Kingdom of Gamo a day before the opening of Striptease Burlesque at Gallery EF.
Murasaki Babydoll in Shinjuku
Thursday, November 26th, 2009..May 2007 Under a tall office building behind the bushes in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan..
Eva Violet tried to get this photo done before the exhibition in Tokyo. We could never arrange a photo because their trip to New York was canceled months before. We finally got it done a year and half later. I shot this under a fading sun in Shinjuku. Only an hour as the sun fades quickly in the Center of the Black Eye.
The color dominated what I saw. They were very silly as Japanese schoolgirls. What I expected. Eva had difficultly getting to the shot. A gig the night before, wild night at the performance. They rushed to get their costumes on in the bushes underneath an office tower. I still think about these women weeks later…
I would like to photograph them next time with a darker setting.
Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition, Gallery EF, Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday, October 21st, 2009..May 2007 Tokyo..
Poster from Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition.
Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition
Gallery EF
2-19-18 Kaminarimon
Tokyo, 111-0034
May 31st-June 21st, 2007
The Edge of the World…Siberia coming up, than Sapporo, and over the horizon into Tokyo….
Saturday, October 17th, 2009..July 2007 Somewhere over Alaska..
..On plane, over Alaska, on the way to my exhibition opening in Tokyo. Leaving the Western Hemisphere, entering the Far East. Siberia coming up, than Sapporo, over the horizon into Tokyo…The Edge of the World.
Last Day in Tokyo…
Thursday, October 15th, 2009
Tokyo in a year….
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009..June 2006 New York..
Dear Marie:
I’ve been meaning to write for a while. I can never get a decent amount of free time to write. Things have been hectic for months and I don’t see it getting slower. Most of my time is devoted to shooting my exhibition in Tokyo. It’s a year away but I only really have 6 more months to shoot. I need 5 months to print murals that will be hung from the ceiling, a month for shipping, and installation.
I plan on inviting the Emperor and Empress to the opening. Maybe even a couple of sumo wrestlers and a random geisha. On top of this I’m shooting assignment work. The remaining free time has been with my niece. I now wake up at 6AM everyday. Drinking tea on the terrace overlooking the ocean. It’s a cool way to start the day. I do need to start getting more sleep. I don’t want to waste the summer away. It’ll be gone as soon as you know it.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Miss grabbing crepes. I don’t want to promise that I’ll be in the city because my schedule is not normal anymore. Would be good to see you again. Hopefully I’ll have a stretch of days when I can escape my responsibilities and catch up with everyone I’ve lost contact with. It’s a long laundry list of things. Who ever thought I’d have a list of responsibilities.
Not much else happening besides my exhibition and watching my niece. We may go to the zoo soon. She’ll be amused. Hope your well. Take care.
The Edge of the World
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Gallery EF, Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, September 29th, 2009..March 2006 Tokyo, Japan..
When I first walked into Gallery EF I felt the private side of my imagination. The vulnerable and fragile thoughts, the photos I wanted to take. It’s a place where I could tell you my secrets in trust. And not be embarrassed.
It’s is the only place I’ve felt an attachment or emotion while in Tokyo. It’s completely different from what I’ve seen and felt in barren Tokyo.
The place in my imagination and heart that I’ll only admit myself. Is that what a Home feels like?