Archive for the ‘Nagasaki’ Category

First visit to the hypocenter

Thursday, August 8th, 2019

..Nagasaki September 7th,2008..
One hour after train ride, little before sunset. First time at the hypocenter

..I thought the hypocenter would have drawn more of a crowd. Only 2 ladies and a father playing with his son wandering across the spot where one of the world’s greatest atrocities took place. The grass was very thin and spotted yellow from a summer long soaking of intense sunshine. Looked like any park in a forgotten neighborhood.

..September 8th, 2007 Second time at the epicenter, Nagasaki..
Walked to the epicenter at 6:30AM. A Japanese man walking across the park. Stops and bows in front of the monument. A deep bow. A sign of great respect. Continues to his destination. I wonder if this is how he starts most of his days?

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Willy Buchel van Steenbergen

Sunday, July 14th, 2019

..July 2019..       ..Waalre, Netherlands..

“In 2014 I was officially recognized as an hibakusha by the Japanese government.  It’s gratifying that the Japanese government recognized that I was there when the atomic bomb was detonated because the Dutch government didn’t care about any of the Dutch who were in Nagasaki.  Soon after I visited Nagasaki together with my three daughters.  I wanted to show them some of the places I had been during the war to let them know what kind of impact the experience had on my life.  But I didn’t tell them the most severe details.  I haven’t told my story to many people because it is so intense.”  -Willy Buchel van Steenbergen

I received the sad news that atomic bomb survivor Willy Buchel van Steenbergen passed away on July 10th. He was 99 years old.  I photographed him at his home in Waalre, Netherlands.  Mr. Buchel was one of two former Dutch POW’s who experienced the atomic bomb in Nagasaki who I photographed during 2015.   

Mr. Buchel was serving in the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) when he was taken as a prison of war by the Japanese when they invaded Java in 1942 (at the time Java was a part of the Dutch East Indies) and later sent to Fukuoka Camp 14 in Nagasaki.  He was used as a forced laborer until the end of the war in August 1945.  He was one of 120 Dutch POW’s to survive the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. 

There were two camps holding Dutch POW’s in Nagasaki.  Fukuoka Camp 14 was located near the Nagasaki Station.  It was close to the hypocenter and heavily damaged.  Most of the POW’s who survived the bombing lived less than ten years after.  Most likely perishing from the effects of radiation exposure. 

Mr. Buchel’s experiences were very unique because he not only survived the atomic bomb but also because of his heritage.  After WWII his story became more complicated when the Dutch lost the colonial war in what is now Indonesia. 

“All of my family in the Dutch East Indies survived the Japanese Occupation during the war.  My father contracted tuberculous and didn’t have to go to an internment camp because the Japanese quarantined the sick.  A mark was drawn on the house to signal someone was ill.  My mother, who considered herself Dutch, didn’t have to go to the camps either because the she was half Indonesian.  The Japanese considered her Indonesian.

I came to the Netherlands in 1950.  There was a colonial war between the Netherlands and the native Indonesians in the Dutch East Indies immediately after WWII.  When the Dutch lost its colony I couldn’t remain in the place where I was born and grew up.  I lost my country and fatherland.  Many who came here had the same feeling.  After many years I went to visit the area where I was born – it was very different.”    

I had heard about former Dutch POW’s who experienced the atomic bomb.  It took me years to find Mr. Buchel.  When my contact got permission from him to meet, my trip had to be delayed days before my departure because he was hospitalized with ammonia.   Then during a snowy morning in January 2015 I finally met him.  That morning I sat in the Amsterdam train station waiting hours for my delayed train thinking that it might not happen.  But the winter sun burst through and melted the snow on the tracks.

In the years after, I’ve spoken to many Dutch people who have no idea there were Dutch atomic bomb survivors.  All of them were surprised when I told them about Mr. Buchel.  There was a book written in Dutch about Fukuoka Camp 14 but it went out of print shortly after it was published either in the 1960’s or 1970’s. 

I was fortunate to have met Mr. Buchel.  He wrote me letters which usually arrived at my home around the holidays.  I feel lucky to have the opportunity to call him my friend.  I’ve posted a portrait of him at his home and another of him holding my Hasselblad camera. 

From Above exhibition, Nagasaki National Peace Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

..March 2019.. ..Nagasaki.. The Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims will be permanently exhibiting 15 portraits that I took of Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors.

These are part of the From Above project which features portraits of atomic bomb survivors and WWII firebombing survivors.

I’m very proud these portraits will be displayed permanently at Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for all the visitors to see. The Peace Memorial Hall is attached to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum.

Mt. Kompira, Nagasaki

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

NHK Nagasaki Interview at From Above exhibition

Sunday, December 30th, 2018
..December 2018.. ..Nagasaki.. Link to an NHK Nagasaki interview broadcast last week from the From Above exhibition at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims.

NHK Nagasaki from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Hamako Sasaki

Thursday, August 9th, 2018

“I was nineteen. After breakfast I sat down at the balcony and I was knitting while babysitting 4 children from the neighborhood.
Then I felt this bright bright flash as if the sun fell down from the sky.

Following that was a loud roar that I had never heard before. ”

-Hamako Sasaki, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor





佐々木 浜子

This portrait is a part of my From Above project which featured portraits of atomic bomb and firebombing survivors from WWII. My limited edition book is available at

Sumiteru Taniguchi, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

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Setsuo Uchino

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

..December 2016.. ..Nagasaki..

“My mother carried me and my younger sister on her back while she held the hand of my three-year-old brother, while we tried to escape up the mountain. However, there were corpses everywhere. Some of the eyes were popped out from the bodies, some parent’s and child were holding each other and burnt black and dead. It was just inferno. Some were without heads.”

-Setsuo Uchino, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor

Yasuaki Yamashita

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

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From Above at Gallery EF, Tokyo

Sunday, April 1st, 2018

..April 2018.. ..Tokyo..

From Above has been extended another week and will now close on April 9th. If you’re in Tokyo please come visit Gallery EF.

From Above, featuring portraits of atomic bomb and fire bombing victims from WWII, will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.

This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.

A few From Above limited edition books are exclusively available at Gallery EF or through this link . These are the only two ways to purchase a remaining limited edition book.

Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034

Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18

TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079