Archive for the ‘Nagasaki’ Category

From Above featured on NCC news in Nagasaki

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

..August 2014.. ..New York..

A news story covering the From Above opening in New York by Maeda Mari

Hypocenter, Nagasaki

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Documents 044

From Above photo exhibition in Hiroshima

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

..August 2014.. ..Hiroshima..

Koto and Shoko unwrapping the frames and prints for the upcoming From Above photo exhibition in Hiroshima featuring portraits of hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors.


From Above photo exhibition in New York

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

..August 2014.. ..New York..

Some footage of the From Above photo exhibition in NY, featuring portraits of atomic bomb survivors and Tokyo fire bombing survivors from WW II.



From Above photography exhibition in New York from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

From Above photography exhibition in New York from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Kambishibai of Mrs. Tomiko Morimoto-West from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

From Above photo exhibtion in New York

Friday, August 1st, 2014


From Above photo exhibition in New York

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

..July 2014.. ..New York..

Signing exhibition prints for the From Above exhibition in New York.

From Above photography exhibition in New York from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Mayor Taue of Nagasaki

Friday, May 9th, 2014

..May 2013.. ..New York to Nagasaki..

Last week I was given the opportunity to present one the few remaining copies of From Above to Mayor Taue of Nagasaki.

Mayor Taue was a former photography student of Takahara-san, a good friend and hibakusha who wrote the introduction in From Above.

I feel honored that Mayor Taue received the book and that the faces and stories of the atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors in the book will continue to have a voice.

A couple remaining copies of From Above are for sale exclusively at this link.

Leaning Forward to Peace: Dialogue with Mayor of Nagasaki City

From Above photo exhibition at the United Nations

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

..May 20014.. ..New York..

Some of my From Above portraits of hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, were exhibited at the United Nations this week to coincide with the NPT Conference.


From Above Photography Exhibition at the United Nations from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Mr. Hiroshi Matsuzoe

Monday, April 14th, 2014

..April 2014.. ..Nagasaki..


This morning I received the sad news that Mr. Hiroshi Matsuzoe passed away at the age of 83 in Nagasaki. Mr. Matsuzoe was one the first hibakusha, atomic bomb survivor, I photographed and interviewed for From Above. He was 14 years old when the atomic bomb detonated over Nagasaki.

Mr. Matsuzoe dedicated his life to informing students about the importance of abolishing nuclear weapons. Last year he lost his voice to cancer but still spread his message when doctor’s restored his voice by installing an electronic device in his voice box.

I will always remember my brief time spent with Mr. Matsuzoe. In the hallway of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum he showed me paintings he had made of scenes from that horrific time. He had seen two young girls badly injured in the street, one later underwent surgery without anesthesia. Mr. Matsuzoe never forgot the screams coming from the little girl at that moment. A couple of days after, he witnessed their cremation while walking in the street. “It was two girls with light makeup and wearing a beautiful Kimono. They were about to be cremated. After someone put fire on them I couldn’t watch. I ran away.”

Many years later Mr. Matsuzoe painted that painful scene onto a canvas. He never knew the identity of either girl but when the painting was shown relatives and teachers of the two girls were found. One of the mother’s sobbed when she saw the painting.

The last time I saw Mr. Matsuzoe was at the From Above exhibition in the Nagasaki Peace Museum. You can see him in this documentary shot by Community Media. He appears 8 minutes into the program.

From Above By Paule Saviano from paul saviano on Vimeo.

The best tribute you can give to him is to never forget the lessons of Nagasaki and Hiroshima; and not to tolerate the excuse of war being a justifiable reason to settle differences.

..One Legged Torii Gate, Sanno Shinto, Urakami, Nagasaki, Less than 1km from the hypocenter of the atomic bomb..

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Documents 603