Archive for the ‘Embrace’ Category


Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

“It was difficult growing up being someone who knows they are a girl in a boy’s body.”

Sammy is a teenage transgender girl living in America. Her portrait is part of my long term project, Embrace, which explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adults and elderly from different parts of the world.

It will be exhibited for the first time at Gallery ef in Tokyo from September 2nd-October 25th.

Embrace featured in Kotonone Magazine (Japan)

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

..April 2020.. ..Tokyo..

The April issue of Kotonone Magazine (Japan) ran a feature about my exhibition “Embrace.” Embrace explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adult and elderly from different parts of the world.

A big thank you to the editor Matsunaga-san and the staff at Kotonone for their interest.

Embrace will be exhibited at Gallery ef 浅草 in Tokyo September 2nd-October 25th.  


Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Embrace featured in Tokyo Weekender Magazine

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

..April 2020.. ..Tokyo..

Tokyo Weekender Magazine did a feature about Embrace. Embrace is my project featuring portraits of transgender and gender non-binary people from different parts of the world.

The project will be exhibited at Gallery ef in Tokyo from September 2nd-October 25th.

This is the digital link to the magazine.
If you click on the first cover (April 2020) then go to page 28 the article about Embrace begins. 


Monday, July 8th, 2019


Thursday, February 7th, 2019


Monday, January 7th, 2019


Thursday, December 27th, 2018


Sunday, November 18th, 2018


Monday, August 21st, 2017

..August 2017.. ..New Jersey..

Hanging a small selection of prints with Rose from my project “Embrace.” Embrace is an on-going project photographing transgender, intersex and gender non-binary people from across the world. To date, the project includes people from America, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Scotland and Japan.

Even though the project is still in it’s early stages this was an opportunity to show a few of the portraitsat the Ocean Heights Presbyterian Church in Egg Harbor Twp, New Jersey from August 20th-September 17th. And more importantly to have a discussion how people with gender identities outside of the traditional categories are not confined to one country, culture or age group. The project will not be complete for another year. With portraits scheduled in Europe and Japan, it will be an exciting autumn.

I look forward to eventually exhibiting every portrait which was taken in the project once it is complete.