Archive for the ‘Berlin’ Category

6:53PM November 9, 1989, Alexanderplatz, East Berlin, GDR

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Portion of the Berlin Wall at the United Nations

Monday, August 13th, 2012


Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Mr. Hideto Sotobayashi

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

..February 2012.. ..Berlin..

Sad news. Mr. Hideto Sotobayashi, an atomic bomb survivor from Hiroshima, passed away on December 27, 2011. I photographed Mr. Sotobayashi in Berlin during May 2011. He was the only hibakusha I have photographed who moved to Europe later in life.

Mr. Sotobayashi was born in Nagasaki but moved to Hiroshima during his childhood. He was 16 years old, attending school one and a half kilometers from the epicenter when the atomic bomb was detonated over Hiroshima.

In the 1960’s he moved to West Berlin to teach at a university and lived in Berlin the remainder of his life.

I photographed Mr. Sotobayashi around the Brandenburg Gate. It was a typical temperamental spring day in Berlin, warm one moment than interrupted by a cold breeze the next moment. Threatening battleship gray clouds cut through the regal blue sky. He spoke poetically about living in Berlin, experiencing all the changes in the city and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Berlin sounded like his second home.

He didn’t start speaking about his experiences in Hiroshima until a couple of years ago. After the March 11th earthquake and tsunami resulting in the disaster at the Fukushima Diiachi nuclear power plant, Mr. Sotobayashi spoke more frequently throughout Europe about his experiences in Hiroshima and the dangers of radiation.

Recently Mr. Sotobayashi was responsible for helping get a small monument built in Potsdam, Germany remembering those who perished in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

He was one of the most passionate hibakusha I photographed for From Above. He understood the urgency to speak out about the dangers of nuclear weapons and catastrophe.

Even though his portrait isn’t included in the From Above book because I photographed him after it went to print, his portrait in Berlin will be included in future From Above exhibitions.

I tried to contact him a couple of times this autumn to see how he was feeling. But wasn’t able to connect. Today I received the sad news he passed away on December 27th, 2011.


Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Statue of Liberty in Berlin

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

6:53PM, November 9th, 1989, East Berlin

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Berlin Wall

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

..August 2011.. ..Berlin..

Staring at the East side of the Berlin Wall with Western eyes.

The more I learn about East and West Germany the more confused I become. It is a riddle that when I begin to figure it out, I realize I know less now knowing more than I knew knowing less.

This is a link to the Wende Museum’s interview with Hagen Koch. He was the young man responsible for drawing the map and creating the original boundaries to what became the Berlin Wall. His life is fascinating and ever linked to the Wall. I’ve always wanted to photograph him. When I pursued contacting him, I learned he was in fragile health after suffering a stroke. The opportunity to photograph him lost. This is his interview with the Wende Museum.

My attempts to document the lives of people affected by the Berlin Wall has not made significant progress yet due to the time I’ve given to the From Above project (focusing of atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors) and lack of resources. I hope to one day be able to document the stories of people affected by the wall, both from the East and West, before the stories are swept away by time and a desire to push aside history that we want others to forget.

East Side Gallery, Berlin. Murals are now painted on the East side of the Berlin Wall, where not long ago you couldn’t even get close enough to touch the wall without fatal consequences. This part of the wall is along the banks of the Spree.

Casey Chaos of Amen

Friday, May 20th, 2011


Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011