..June 2006 New York..
Dear Marie:
I’ve been meaning to write for a while. I can never get a decent amount of free time to write. Things have been hectic for months and I don’t see it getting slower. Most of my time is devoted to shooting my exhibition in Tokyo. It’s a year away but I only really have 6 more months to shoot. I need 5 months to print murals that will be hung from the ceiling, a month for shipping, and installation.
I plan on inviting the Emperor and Empress to the opening. Maybe even a couple of sumo wrestlers and a random geisha. On top of this I’m shooting assignment work. The remaining free time has been with my niece. I now wake up at 6AM everyday. Drinking tea on the terrace overlooking the ocean. It’s a cool way to start the day. I do need to start getting more sleep. I don’t want to waste the summer away. It’ll be gone as soon as you know it.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Miss grabbing crepes. I don’t want to promise that I’ll be in the city because my schedule is not normal anymore. Would be good to see you again. Hopefully I’ll have a stretch of days when I can escape my responsibilities and catch up with everyone I’ve lost contact with. It’s a long laundry list of things. Who ever thought I’d have a list of responsibilities.
Not much else happening besides my exhibition and watching my niece. We may go to the zoo soon. She’ll be amused. Hope your well. Take care.