Posts Tagged ‘Interview’

From Above featured on NHK World

Saturday, March 29th, 2025

If you have a moment, please watch the story that Minori Takao reported on NHK World about the From Above project. It can be seen at this link:

We filmed during the opening of my exhibition at the East End Gallery, but the story is about much more than me. It features the people I’ve been photographing for the last 17 years. Minori was the first reporter to interview me on television when From Above was exhibited in 2008. I can confidently say she was the first reporter to believe in the project. A special thank you to Akira for also making this story possible.

From Above is a collection of portraits and reminiscences of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and World War II firebombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Tokyo, Wielun (Poland), and Rotterdam. The project began during 2008. In 2011, it was released as a limited edition photo book. The book was sold internationally and garnered media attention throughout North America, Japan, Europe, and Australia. A few remaining copies of the book can be purchased from me.

Alongside From Above, a small selection of portraits of Ukrainian teenagers who fled the war and now live in Dresden, Germany, a city infamous for being destroyed at the end of the Second World War. These portraits were taken weeks after the start of the invasion. This is only the second time these portraits have been seen. The first was at the exhibition in Dresden a couple of weeks ago.

From Above can be seen at the East End Gallery in Tokyo until April 6th. Scroll down to see the poster with the gallery’s address and hours of operation.

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From Above featured in KYODO NEWS article

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

An article written by Miki Shirasaka for KYODO News about From Above was published in several newspapers around Japan.  From Above is a collection of portraits and reminiscences of atomic bomb survivors and firebombing survivors from the Second World War.  From Above is permanently exhibited at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims. It has also been exhibited in numerous international museums and was most recently exhibited in Dresden, Germany. 

The article also introduced my portraits of Ukrainian teenagers who have fled the war that is currently raging in their country.  Miki was one of the first journalists to write about From Above when I began the project in 2008.  I’m grateful for her interest throughout the years.  

Asahi newspaper Nagasaki

Saturday, January 23rd, 2021

..January 2021.. ..Nagasaki..

Yesterday the Asahi newspaper in Nagasaki included my opinion about the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) which was enacted as international law on January 22nd. A big thank you to Mizuki Enomoto for asking me to contribute to her article.

I began photographing atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha) in 2008 and will continue to do so until the last voice goes silent. In 2011 these portraits were published as a book, From Above. Everyday I think about the people I met in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Most have passed but their memory lives on when the treaty banning nuclear weapons arrives.

NHK Nagasaki Interview at From Above exhibition

Sunday, December 30th, 2018
..December 2018.. ..Nagasaki.. Link to an NHK Nagasaki interview broadcast last week from the From Above exhibition at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims.

NHK Nagasaki from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Nagasaki Shimbun

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

..February 2017.. ..Nagasaki..

The Nagasaki Shimbun just published an article about the From Above exhibtion which was held at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims. From Above features portraits of atomic bomb and fire bombing victims from WWII.

NHK World interview from Nagasaki

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

..December 2017.. ..Nagasaki..

NHK World broadcast an interview while I was photographing atomic bomb survivors at the From Above exhibition in Nagasaki.
Please click on this sentence to link to the broadcast.

You can also cut and paste this link into the browser:

Interview on John Batchelor Show WABC Radio- July 2017

Sunday, July 30th, 2017

..July 2017.. ..New York..

This is the link Friday night’s interview about From Above on The John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio. We cover some of my journey to Hiroshima and Nagasaki photographing atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha). The exhibition will once return to the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall in December 2017 and will also be shown for a limited time at the Tenri Cultural Institute in NY from August 2nd-15th.

A huge thank you to Mr. Batchelor for having me on the show again. The John Batchelor show is the highest rated radio show in New York at the 9pm time slot. Honored again to be asked back to the show!

Remaining copies of From Above, my limited edition book, featuring portraits and testimonials of atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors from Dresden and Tokyo can be purchase exclusively by clicking this link.


The exhibition will be open August 2nd-15th. The gallery hours are:
Monday-Friday 12pm-6pm
Saturday 10-3pm
Closed on Sunday
TENRI Cultural Institute 46 W. 13th, New York, NY.

Interview on John Batchelor Show WABC Radio- June 2016

Monday, June 26th, 2017

..June 2016.. ..New York..

This is the link to last year’s interview about From Above on The John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio. We cover some of my journey to Hiroshima and Nagasaki photographing atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha). The exhibition will once return to the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall in December 2017 and will also be shown for a limited time at the Tenri Cultural Center in NY during August 2017.

A huge thank you to Mr. Batchelor for having me on the show for the third to speak about From Above. The John Batchelor show is the highest rated radio show in New York at the 9pm time slot. Honored again to be asked back to the show!

Remaining copies of From Above, my limited edition book, featuring portraits and testimonials of atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors from Dresden and Tokyo can be purchase exclusively by clicking this link.


From Above featured in Nagasaki Shimbun article

Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

..December 2016.. ..Nagasaki..

Article in the Nagasaki Shimbun (Newspaper) about my recent From Above exhibition at the Nagasaki Memorial Peace Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims.

Interview with NCC Nagasaki

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

..July 2010.. ..Nagasaki..

An old interview broadcast by NCC Nagasaki about my From Above exhibition, the first time it was exhibited at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

2 From Above NCC from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.
