Posts Tagged ‘hibakuhsa’

Matashichi Oishi

Tuesday, March 30th, 2021

I received the sad news that Mr. Matashichi Oishi passed away on March 7th.  Mr. Oishi was a former crew member of the Daigo Fukuryu-Maru (Lucky Dragon 5), tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radiation by an unannounced secret hydrogen bomb nuclear test at the Bikini Atoll on March 1st, 1954.  They were fishing 160km away from the hypocenter.  The bomb was 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb detonated in Hiroshima. It contained 270 different kinds of radioactive materials.

Mr. Oishi saw a strong flash of light. An orange color soaked the sky. After 7 minutes they heard horrific rumbling. Strangely, the sea surface stayed calm. Frightened, they decided to return home.  Soon after “ashes of death”(nuclear fallout) started falling, covering the boat like snow. They had no idea what it was, some licked the flakes. The flakes of ash didn’t melt, felt like sand and burned their skin. They removed the fishing nets and long fishing lines while the radioactive ashes fell.

After a 2 week journey, they arrived at Yaizu harbor. All of them already began to suffer from acute radiation diseases such as dizziness, loss of appetite, gum bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, and hair loss. But they still didn’t know what they were exposed to.

A newspaper released the news about the nuclear test. It caused a panic in Japan. “Poisoned fishermen brought back poisoned tuna.” Even rain contaminated with radioactivity fell over Japan and other countries in the Pacific Ocean.

The panic created an anti-nuclear movement and encouraged Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb Survivors to speak about their experiences. Nearly 10 years after the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this was the first public discussion about nuclear weapons in Japan.
During the American Occupation, news about the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was censored. The American government allowed no public discussion or newspaper articles in Japan to be written about the bombings.  Because of the censorship the Japanese public, outside of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were largely unaware about the effects of radioactivity.

The Lucky Dragon 5 event was covered up in negotiations between the US and Japanese governments. The boat was painted over and dumped in a landfill in Tokyo. The ill fishermen were abandoned and outcast socially. Their lives changed completely. They didn’t have visible burn or scar but inside their bodies were radioactively contaminated. All battled various types of cancers throughout their lives. The first member of the crew died a half year later. More than half of the crew has died. All of them died from liver cancer.

Mr. Oishi suffered from varied aftereffects; including liver cancer and social discrimination. The company and government have claimed no responsibility for his health care bills even though he was exposed while working.

After 30 years of silence, he started to speak about his experiences. He is one of only two voices out of 23 Lucky Dragon crew members to speak. 856 boats, containing 17,000 Japanese fishermen, were present in the marine area the day of the nuclear test at Bikini Atoll. None of the others have chosen to speak or release their medical records.

Mr. Oishi was photographed at the location where the Lucky Dragon 5 was found. The discarded boat was discovered in 1967. The boat has since been persevered and a museum has been built around it.
It was an honor to photograph Mr. Oishi.  I will always admire his bravery for speaking the truth.  He’ll always be my friend.

Miyoko Matsubara

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

“Man developed nuclear weapons.
We have to question the human heart.
People can decide to abandon them.
I believe we can abolish nuclear weapons.”

-Miyoko Matsubara, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor

On January 22nd the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will be enacted as international law.  I began photographing atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha) in 2008 and will continue to do so until the last voice goes silent.

In 2011 these portraits were published as a book, From Above.  Everyday I think about the survivors I met in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  Most have passed but their memory lives on when the treaty banning nuclear weapons arrives.

Mrs. Matsubara was 12 years old when the atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima. Her story details the hard life during and after the war and the passion she derived from living through those years. The atomic bomb left her severely burned with keloid scars covering most of the body. She experienced discrimination because of her appearance. In 1953 she was selected to be part of the Hiroshima Maidens program which made it possible for her to have corrective and cosmetic surgeries.

After Mrs. Matsubara dedicated her life to peace activism and helping other victims of war cope with the aftermath. She raised her elder brother’s three young children when he and his wife passed away.
My memories of the afternoon I spent with Mrs. Matsubara will be that she was always affable. Her spirit instantly brightened the room. She had suffered a stroke a couple of years prior but made it a priority to practice speaking English in the mirror so she didn’t lose her motor skills. She spoke to me in perfect English.

That afternoon was my only time with Mrs. Matsubara. I still remember all the details vividly because she left a permanent impression. She always had this glow about her. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to call her my friend.

Miyoko Matsubara

Saturday, February 16th, 2019

“Man developed nuclear weapons.

We have to question the human heart.

People can decide to abandon them.

I believe we can abolish nuclear weapons.”

-Miyoko Matsubara, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor

I received the sad news that Mrs. Miyoko Matsubara passed away on February 10th, 2018.  I met  her in 2010 through Koko Tanimoto-Kondo.  They were childhood friends because Koko’s father, Rev. Tanimoto, took care of many children who were injured by the atomic bomb. 

Mrs. Matsubara was 12 years old when the atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima.  Her story details the hard life during and after the war and the passion she derived from living through those years.  The atomic bomb left her severely burned with keloid scars covering most of the body.  She experienced discrimination because of her appearance.  In 1953 she was selected to be part of the Hiroshima Maidens program which made it possible for her to have corrective and cosmetic surgeries. 

After Mrs. Matsubara dedicated her life to peace activism and helping other victims of war cope with the aftermath.  She raised her elder brother’s three young children when he and his wife passed away. 

My memories of the afternoon I spent with Mrs. Matsubara will be that she was always affable.  Her spirit instantly brightened the room.  She had suffered a stroke a couple of years prior but made it a priority to practice speaking English in the mirror so she didn’t lose her motor skills.  She spoke to me in perfect English. 

That afternoon was my only time with Mrs. Matsubara.  I still remember all the details vividly because she left a permanent impression.  She always had this glow about her.  I feel lucky to have the opportunity to call her my friend. 

NHK Nagasaki Interview at From Above exhibition

Sunday, December 30th, 2018
..December 2018.. ..Nagasaki.. Link to an NHK Nagasaki interview broadcast last week from the From Above exhibition at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims.

NHK Nagasaki from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Yasuaki Yamashita

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Documents 507

Masatoshi Tsunenari

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

..January 2018.. ..Nagasaki..

Today I received the sad news that atomic bomb survivor Mr. Masatoshi Tsunenari passed away a couple of months ago. He was 89 years old.

I hadn’t seen Mr. Tsunenari since July 2010. He was a soft spoken person with a lot of compassion.

I will always be thankful that he agreed to meet with Mrs. Haruyo Nihei, a Tokyo fire bombing survivor, who wanted to tell her experience of surviving the fire bombing of Tokyo to an atomic bomb survivor. It was an amazing moment to see them listen and exchange stories. Tragic moments in time that changed their lives instantly.

Seeing Mr. Tsunenari listen to and accept Mrs. Nihei’s story was moving. I believe it was a great feeling of relief to Ms. Nihei to be able to share her experience.

This is there portrait I took near the hypocenter where the atomic bomb was detonated in Nagasaki. It’s also in my book From Above and I will show it next time the exhibition returns to Nagasaki.

Takeshi Minekawa

Friday, January 5th, 2018

..December 2017.. ..Nagasaki..

Photographing hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) Takeshi Minekawa along the stream that flows near the hypocenter.