Posts Tagged ‘From Above’

Finishing up installation

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki..

The last details of the exhibition being set up.

From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum from paul saviano on Vimeo.

From Above Photo Exhibition from paul saviano on Vimeo.

From Above Photo Exhibition from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Press about From Above photo exhibition at Nagasaki Peace Museum

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki..

Articles written in the Japanese press about the From Above photo exhibition in Nagasaki.

These are from the Nishi Nippon Newspaper. Everything is written in Japanese.

Some random blog links about the exhibition.

Preparation for From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum

Monday, July 19th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki..

More preparation for the From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

Video from the upper portion of the installation. A lot of people going up and down ladders.

Preparation for From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Preparation for From Above photo ehxibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Preparing for From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum. from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Nagasaki City FM Radio interview about From Above photo exhibition in Nagasaki Peace Museum

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki..

A radio interview by Miki Morita broadcast on Nagasaki City FM about From Above photo exhibition by Paule Saviano at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

Please click on the small arrow button to play the interview.

It is in half English and Japanese. I start speaking around 1:35 into the broadcast.


Preparation for From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki Peace Museum..

More shots and video preparing for the From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

We have never had this much help with an installation. Makes me very happy to see the entire museum staff wanting to help and being a part of the project. A lot of hard work and a lot of smiles.

Never had an installation completed so quickly. One day. Helps when you have 8 people unpacking the boxes, unwrapping the frames, hanging wire and frames, going up and down ladders, preparing the text, etc..

First day of press for From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum

Monday, July 12th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki Peace Museum..

Kyodo News, the first interview for the From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

Little did we realize we were going to be overwhelmed with press requests for a week in Nagasaki. This interview was the first of many.

Paule Saviano: Press before the opening of From Above photography exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Preparing for From Above photo exhibition at Nagasaki Peace Museum

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

..June 2010.. ..Nagasaki..

First day of preparation for the From Above photo exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

Biggest thanks to Izumi for the years of support. Many thanks to all the staff at the Nagasaki Peace Museum, the Nagasaki Peace Wing, and Community Media who helped make this happen. Will and Sue, my family in The Kingdom of Gamo.

Not sure if many realize the months of work put into an exhibition like this. Without the big hearts of everyone involved there would be no project or exhibition.

Here is a couple of minutes, from the hours/days of preparing the actual exhibition. The installation is always the toughest part.

Nothing was broken, no one was injured, and I didn’t spill anything.

From Above at the Nagasaki Peace Museum, Article in Japan Times

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

..June 2010 Nagasaki..

Article written in The Japan Times about the opening of From Above photography exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Museum.

Ironically the article and photo are twice the size and above a story on the Japanese Prime Minister’s trip to the G20 Summit and the death of Japan’s oldest koala.

From Above photo exhibition at Nagasaki Peace Museum

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

From Above photo exhibition
Photographs by Paule Saviano
Presented by Gallery EF, Nagasaki Peace Museum, & Community Media Company

Nagasaki Peace Museum
7-15 Matsugaemachi
Nagasaki, Japan
Tel: 095-818-4247
Closed Monday
June 29- July 19th, 2010
Open Reception June 29th 9:30-17:30

Apollo Radio Interview (Chemnitz, Germany)

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

..June 2010.. ..New York to Chemnitz..

Radio interview by Maria Kotzur of Apollo Radio about the upcoming portrait project in Dresden, Germany on survivors of the Dresden firebombings February 13th, 1945. Broadcast June 2010.

Interview options in English and dubbed in German. Press the play arrow to listen. The interview starts at about 25 seconds into the broadcast.
