Posts Tagged ‘From Above’

From Above at Gallery EF, Tokyo featured in Asahi Newspaper

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

..February 2011.. ..Tokyo..

An article in Asahi Newspaper about the opening of From Above at Gallery EF in Tokyo.

The exhibition can be seen at Gallery EF until February 27th. This series from the project features Survivors of the Dresden fire bombings and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors.

The book featuring portraits from the entire project will be released in July 2011 by Contents Factory.

Mr. Hisanobu Murozono

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

..February 2011.. ..Nagasaki..

Sad news, Mr. Hisanobu Murozono passed away earlier this week.

He is the 3rd atomic bomb Survivor (Hibakusha), who has passed away since I started photographing From Above. The 2nd Hibakusha this month to pass, 2 weeks after the passing of Ms. Yamashita.

I interviewed and photographed Mr. Murozuno during the first visit to Nagasaki in September 2009. His smile was unforgettable. He was bigger than most of Hibakusha who I photographed. I’ll always remember the great cowboy style tie (two thin black ropes around a ornament) he wore.

He will be missed.

Installation of From Above exhibition at Gallery EF

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

..February 2011.. ..Asakusa, Tokyo..

Some photos from the first day setting up From Above at Gallery EF.

The proper lighting will be set up soon. Looks like the placement of the photos is finalized.

Thank you to everyone in Tokyo, especially Izumi and Donnie for their amazing efforts. These exhibitions are only possible because of the tireless effort and generosity of everyone who has come together to support this project.

The exhibition opens on Friday February 4th and closes on February 27th. If your in Japan please take a look. The book release is July 2011.

Ms. Hisayo Yamashita

Monday, January 31st, 2011

..January 2011.. ..Tokyo..

Sad news, Ms. Hisayo Yamashita passed away earlier this month. She is the 2nd person I photographed for “From Above” that has passed.

During the short period of time we were around her, Ms. Yamashita left a great impression on us all. Her friendship will be deeply missed.

It was honor to have known her and call her my friend.

Ms. Hisayo Yamashita from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Prior messages about Ms. Yamashita.

From Above photography exhibition at Gallery EF, Tokyo

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

From Above
Survivors of the Dresden Fire Bombings
Portraits by Paule Saviano
Hosted by Gallery EF
February 4th-27th, 2011

Gallery EF is located at:
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0034
TEL 03 3841 0442
Gallery is closed on Tuesday.

Press for From Above book release

Friday, December 31st, 2010

From Above book release in July 2011

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

..November 2011.. ..Tokyo..

From Above will be released in July 2011. Published by Contents Factory.

The book’s printing faith relies on these 3 men in the blue jump suits at DNP printing in Tokyo.


Monday, November 29th, 2010

Atomic Bomb Dome

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

..November 2010.. ..Hiroshima..

A sad link to Samuel Yamashita’s book “Leaves from an Autumn Emergency.” Short selections of diary entries from 8 Japanese civilians during WW II, particularly after the dropping of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

From Above documentary by Community Media (Nagasaki) about From Above portrait project

Monday, October 18th, 2010

..August 2010.. ..Nagasaki..

A documentary shot by Community Media about my portrait project From Above. The project concentrates on the lives of Hibakusha (atomic bomb Survivors) and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors. It was shown at Gallery EF in Tokyo during March 2009 and at the Nagasaki Peace Museum during July 2010.

From Above By Paule Saviano from paul saviano on Vimeo.