Posts Tagged ‘From Above’


Sunday, August 7th, 2011

From Above book release

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

..August 2011.. ..Tokyo and Hiroshima..

For anyone in Tokyo who wants to view the book, Gallery EF will have a sample of the book and 6 original prints on exhibition during August. The book can also be purchased at the gallery.

A closer look at the book on PHIL to PHIL Blog.

The exhibition has also opened in Hiroshima at the Cheers Gallery from August 3rd-31st.
Venue: Cheers Gallery 2F, 3-12-3 Yokogawa-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima-city
(3 minutes walk from JR Yokogawa station) TEL 082-295-5799 Open: 11:00-18:00 closed on Tuesdays & August 15-18.

Some of the recent newspaper articles about the book.
Nishi Nippon Newspaper
Chuguko Newspaper Hiroshima

Installation of From Above photography exhibtion in Hiroshima

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

..August 2011.. ..Hiroshima..

Setting up installation for FROM ABOVE photography exhibition in Hiroshima.

Commericial for From Above photography exhibition in Hiroshima

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

..July 2010.. ..Hiroshima..

A commercial for the From Above photography exhibition in Hiroshima, Japan.

The book, From Above, will be available at the venue. It will be officially released in Japan next week and throughout the US and Europe soon after. I’ll be sending out information on the book release as soon the book is available in the stores and on-line.

From Above
Photography Exhibition in Hiroshima
By Paule Saviano

Cafe Cheers
2F, 3-12-3 Yokogawa-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima-city
(3 minutes walk from JR Yokogawa station)
TEL 082-295-5799

August 3rd – 31st 2011
Open: 11:00-18:00
closed on Tuesdays & 15-18 August
entrance free

Related events:
FRI. 5 August
OPEN 19:00 START 19:30
admission: Adv. 2,500 Yen/ Door 3.000 Yen with 1 drink
Koto (Shunobue flute), Shoko Fujii (reading)

From Above in Tokyo book stores

Monday, August 1st, 2011

..July 2011.. ..Tokyo..

FROM ABOVE at Kinokinuya book store during the first weekend of it’s release in Tokyo. A great compliment to be placed on the same shelf as Robert Frank’s The Americans (top).

FROM ABOVE is now available at Kinokinuya stores and on-line throughout Japan or directly from the publisher Contents Factory.

It will be available in the US and Europe shortly (hopefully within the next 7-10 days in the US) at Kinokinuya stores (retail and on-line) and through

From Above Photography Exhibition in Hiroshima

Friday, July 29th, 2011

..July 2010.. ..Hiroshima..

A commercial for the From Above photography exhibition in Hiroshima, Japan.

The book, From Above, will be available at the venue. It will be officially released in Japan next week and throughout the US and Europe soon after. I’ll be sending out information on the book release as soon the book is available in the stores and on-line.

From Above
Photography Exhibition in Hiroshima
By Paule Saviano

Cafe Cheers
2F, 3-12-3 Yokogawa-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima-city
(3 minutes walk from JR Yokogawa station)
TEL 082-295-5799

August 3rd – 31st 2011
Open: 11:00-18:00
closed on Tuesdays & 15-18 August
entrance free

Related events:
FRI. 5 August
OPEN 19:00 START 19:30
admission: Adv. 2,500 Yen/ Door 3.000 Yen with 1 drink
Koto (Shunobue flute), Shoko Fujii (reading)

From Above Photo Exhibition in Hiroshima

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

These are the posters for the upcoming From Above photo exhibition in Hiroshima from August 3rd-31st.

This will be the 5th exhibition of the on-going portrait series about Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors. This series in Hiroshima has not been shown before.

The book, From Above, will be released in Japan next week and is available at the venue. It will also be released in the US and Europe shortly after. I’m hoping it will be delivered to the stores in the US by the first week of August. More information will be posted next week on where it’s available on-line and in stores.

The exhibition will move to the Kyoto Peace Museum during September. The prints shown in Kyoto will be different than in Hiroshima. I will post information about the Kyoto exhibition in a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Suzuko Numata

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

..July 2011.. ..Hiroshima..

I received the sad news Mrs. Suzuko Numata passed away on July 12th, 2011, at age of 87.

She was an atomic bomb survivor, an Hibakuska, I photographed during November 2010. I spent many hours with her at the elderly home listening to her story. She was one of the kindest people I’ve ever stumbled upon.

There is a famous photo of her taken soon after the atomic bombing showing her amputated leg. But, I hope the portrait I took of her months before her passing demonstrate how warm and caring a person she was.

She passed away three weeks before the release of From Above, the book that will include her portrait. I’m sorry she will not be here to see her portrait. I consider myself lucky to be able to share her stories through the portrait and words in the book.

Mrs. Numata is the 5th person to pass away since I began photographing the project 3 years ago.

From Above book release

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

..July 2010.. ..Tokyo..

Donnie working on the layout for From Above.

From Above, a portrait book about atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors from Tokyo and Dresden, will be released in 3 weeks. More information on where you can purchase it in stores and on the web will announced next week.

Mrs. Chisa Tanimoto

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Today I received the sad news that Mrs. Chisa Tanimoto passed away on May 4th, 2011 at the age of 95. I photographed Mrs. Tanimoto in Hiroshima during November 2010. She is the third hibakusha, atomic bomb survivor, I’ve photographed to have passed away in the last 4 months and fourth to have passed since the start of the project.

We were introduced by her daughter Koko Tanimoto-Kondo. They are the first parent and child hibakusha I have photographed.

I didn’t spend much time with Mrs. Tanimoto because of her fragile health. But those few moments we spent together were memorable.

Mrs. Tanimoto was the wife of the well-known minister Kiyoshi Tanimoto, famous for his work with the Hiroshima Maidens and support for war orphans. Mrs. Tanimoto life was also equally as devoted to seeking peace. The family has worked constantly helping provide homes for war orphans and relief to hibakusha.

It was an honor to have met Mrs. Chisa Tanimoto.

Her portrait will be a part of the upcoming book, From Above, released on July 27th by publisher Contents Factory. Her portrait will also be shown in the upcoming exhibition at the Kyoto Peace Museum during September 2011.