Posts Tagged ‘From Above’

From Above exhibition poster

Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

..August 2015.. ..Usti nad Labem..

From Above exhibition poster at the Muzeum mesta Usti nad Labem featuring portraits of atomic bomb survivors and WWII fire bombing survivors.
August 19, 2015-January 17, 2016
Muzeum mesta Usti nad Labem
Masarykova 1000/3


From Above exhibition

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

..July 2015..

A recent From Above exhibition featuring portraits of atomic bomb survivors.



Toshifumi Ohashi

Friday, August 14th, 2015



From Above photo exhibition

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

..July 2015.. ..New York..

Preparing prints for the upcoming From Above photo exhibitions featuring portraits of atomic bomb survivors and firebombing survivors from WWII.

VID 28280511 094520 from Paule Saviano on Vimeo.

Mrs. Rumi Hanagaki

Thursday, June 4th, 2015


Mr. Sueichi Kido

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

..May 2015..

I recently had the honor to photograph Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor Sueichi Kido.


Mrs. Rumi Hanagaki

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

..April 2015..

Atomic bomb survivor, Mrs. Rumi Hanagaki, viewing a Lego replica of the Atomic Bomb Dome.


Mrs. Setsuko Thurlow

Monday, May 4th, 2015

..April 2015..

Atomic bomb survivor Mrs. Setsuko Thurlow speaking with a Chinese American student while visiting New York City high schools.


From Above documentary shot by Community Media (Nagasaki)

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

..August 2010.. ..Nagasaki..

A documentary shot by Community Media about my portrait project From Above. The project concentrates on the lives of Hibakusha (atomic bomb Survivors) and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors. It was shown at Gallery EF in Tokyo during March 2009 and at the Nagasaki Peace Museum during July 2010.

From Above By Paule Saviano from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Ústí nad Labem

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Documents 628

Documents 629

Documents 630