..November 2017..
Preparing a list of portraits for the upcoming From Above exhibition at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hal for Atomic Bomb Victims opening on December 9th.
..October 1997.. ..Hammerstein Ballroom, New York..
On October 30th, 1997 I photographed Jane’s Addiction at Hammerstein Ballroom in New York. I have a large photograph from the concert hanging in my living room. A symbol of the start of my career.
I remember the exact moment when I snapped the photo and the lyric Perry was singing during Ocean Size. He put his leg over the monitor leaned towards the crowd. I snapped away.
I was about a foot away in the photo pit. A nervous sweat poured out of me all over my camera. My finger was on the shutter button all concert. The energy from the band and crowd made me feel like I was on a hard charging wave.
At the end of the second song Dave leaned down from the stage with a rose sticking in his hair. I heard his soft voice over the anarchic crowd and shreeking teenage girls. “Is everything ok?’ I nodded. I can’t say it was surreal. It was unrealistic.
I drove to Washington, DC the day after. Worrying all night if that shot came out. Back then everything had to be shot on slide film for magazines. 320 Tungsten pushed 2 stops. I picked up my film, immediately looked for that series of shoots. Walking down a cobblestone street in Georgetown and looking at the film simultaneously. I got the shot. I remember the walk like it was yesterday. 23 and the beginning of something. Of what?
..Nagasaki.. “There is nothing more cruel and tragic as war. There is nothing more precious and noble as peace.”
-Isao Yoshida, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor
Once again sad news has arrived from Nagasaki, Mr. Isao Yoshida, an hibakusha (atomic bomb) survivor who I photographed in December has passed away. He was one of the youngest hibakusha I have photographed. For many years he participated in scheduled gatherings at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Park to victims of the atomic bomb.
His quotation above shine with truth. These 18 powerful words are what I will always remember about Mr. Yoshida. It would be nice if we had more people in power who could comprehend. But I believe these 18 simple words are above their moral compasses.
..October 2017.. ..Dresden..
“We went down to the cellar with a candle” -Günther Kannegießer
This morning I received the sad news that Günther Kannegießer passed away at the age of 87. Mr. Kannegießer was one of the first war survivors I photographed from Dresden.
He became a good friend and I’ll miss him. I can’t thank him enough for his honesty.
He taught me a lot about Dresden, not only about the firebombings that destroyed the city. He emphasized the years prior and brought me to places like the former location of Hellerberg Camp which was a labor camp in Dresden where Jewish families were forced to live prior to being deported. It was places like this which have been swept over by the waves of time and a blind eye to the ugliness of history that Mr. Kannegießer emphasized.
I don’t know many who handled a tough life as he did. Günther was 14 years old at the time of the fire bombings and lost his mother and siblings. The experience he had was brutal but he never let that stop his passion for seeing benevolence in people.
He found ways to endure situations no one should ever experience. I grew as a person because of our friendship. You will always be missed.