Hamako Sasaki

August 9th, 2018

“I was nineteen. After breakfast I sat down at the balcony and I was knitting while babysitting 4 children from the neighborhood.
Then I felt this bright bright flash as if the sun fell down from the sky.

Following that was a loud roar that I had never heard before. ”

-Hamako Sasaki, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor





佐々木 浜子

This portrait is a part of my From Above project which featured portraits of atomic bomb and firebombing survivors from WWII. My limited edition book is available at http://www.photoeye.com/bookstore/citation.cfm?catalog=I1040&i&i2

Sumiteru Taniguchi, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor

August 8th, 2018

Documents 056

Documents 057

Documents 058

Documents 063

Documents 060

Documents 061

Documents 062

Setsuo Uchino

August 7th, 2018

..December 2016.. ..Nagasaki..

“My mother carried me and my younger sister on her back while she held the hand of my three-year-old brother, while we tried to escape up the mountain. However, there were corpses everywhere. Some of the eyes were popped out from the bodies, some parent’s and child were holding each other and burnt black and dead. It was just inferno. Some were without heads.”

-Setsuo Uchino, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor

Rumi Hanagaki

August 3rd, 2018


Suzuko Numata

August 1st, 2018

..November 2010.. ..Hiroshima..

“I did not even think I had been saved.
I was filled with hate for a long time.
But now, I devote my life to telling others my story.
It is my responsibility to teach younger generations
about the dignity of life and the importance of peace.”

-Suzuko Numata, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor


Gigi La Femme

July 31st, 2018

Documents 536


July 27th, 2018


July 20th, 2018


July 16th, 2018


July 13th, 2018