Archive for the ‘Interviews’ Category
Tuesday, April 21st, 2015
..August 2010.. ..Nagasaki..
A documentary shot by Community Media about my portrait project From Above. The project concentrates on the lives of Hibakusha (atomic bomb Survivors) and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors. It was shown at Gallery EF in Tokyo during March 2009 and at the Nagasaki Peace Museum during July 2010.
From Above By Paule Saviano from paul saviano on Vimeo.
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Tags: Community Media, Exhibition, From Above, Hibakusha, Interview, Nagasaki
Posted in From Above, Hibakusha, Interviews, Nagasaki | No Comments »
Friday, February 6th, 2015
An interview from 2010 during my first trip to Dresden for From Above.
..June 2010.. ..New York to Chemnitz..
Radio interview by Maria Kotzur of Apollo Radio about From Above in Dresden, Germany on survivors of the Dresden firebombings February 13th, 1945.
Press the play arrow/link that says “German” to listen. The interview starts at about 25 seconds into the broadcast.

Tags: Apollo Radio, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, From Above, Interview, Maria Kotzur
Posted in Dresden, From Above, Interviews | No Comments »
Monday, October 28th, 2013
..October 2013..
A nice piece written about From Above in Severin’s blog “Hi”.

Tags: Berlin, From Above, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Posted in Berlin, From Above, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Interviews, Nagasaki | 2 Comments »
Sunday, December 23rd, 2012
..December 2012.. ..New York..
My interview from earlier this year with talk show host John Batchelor was broadcast again on WABC Radio this weekend. It was the first US interview about FROM ABOVE, my limited edition book featuring portraits and testimonials of atomic bomb survivors and firebombing survivors from Dresden and Tokyo.
The interview can now be heard on the web at this link:
The book can be purchased in the US, Japan and Europe from this links:
There is only one edition of the book printed and there is a limited amount remaining.

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Tags: Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Elisabeth Engelhardt, From Above, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Hisanobu Murozono, John Batchelor Show, Kazuyo Funato, Nagasaki
Posted in Dresden, From Above, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Interviews, Nagasaki, Tokyo Fire Bombings | 1 Comment »
Friday, February 17th, 2012
..February 2012.. ..Tokyo..
A story written by Colin Buchan Liddell for Metropolis Magazine about From Above being released as a book.
From Above features my portraits of atomic bomb survivors and fire bombing survivors from Tokyo and Dresden.
The book is available in Japan through Kinokuniya book store and In the US and Europe, it’s available by contacting me directly and soon through

Tags: Akihiro Takahashi, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, From Above, Hibakusha, Interview, Metropolis Magazine, Sachiko Matsuo, Senji Yamaguchi, Sumiteru Taniguchi, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Yoshiko Hashimoto
Posted in From Above, Hibakusha, Interviews, Tokyo Fire Bombings | 1 Comment »
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
My interview with talk show host John Batchelor was broadcast on WABC Radio this weekend. It was the first US interview about FROM ABOVE, my book featuring portraits and testimonials of atomic bomb survivors and firebombing survivors from Dresden and Tokyo.
The interview can now be heard on the web at this link:
The book can be purchased in the US, Japan and Europe from this links:
There will only be one edition of the book printed and we hope to have all copies sold by the end of the year.

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Tags: Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Elisabeth Engelhardt, Engelhardt, From Above, Hibakusha, Interview, John Batchelor Show, Katsuji Yoshida, Kazuyo Funato, Nagasaki, Tokyo Fire Bombings
Posted in Dresden, Exhibition Review, From Above, Hibakusha, Interviews, Nagasaki, Tokyo Fire Bombings | 3 Comments »
Friday, September 30th, 2011
..September 2011.. ..New York to Tokyo..
My recent Nippon tv interview about the book release of From Above and portraits of atomic bomb survivors.
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Tags: From Above, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Interview, Nagasaki
Posted in From Above, Hibakusha, Interviews | No Comments »
Saturday, February 5th, 2011
..February 2011.. ..Tokyo..
An article in Asahi Newspaper about the opening of From Above at Gallery EF in Tokyo.
The exhibition can be seen at Gallery EF until February 27th. This series from the project features Survivors of the Dresden fire bombings and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors.
The book featuring portraits from the entire project will be released in July 2011 by Contents Factory.

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Tags: Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Exhibition Review, From Above, Gallery EF, Interview, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Ursula Skrbek
Posted in Dresden, Exhibition, Exhibition Review, From Above, Gallery EF, Interviews, Tokyo Fire Bombings | 1 Comment »
Friday, December 31st, 2010

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Tags: From Above, Interview
Posted in From Above, Interviews | 1 Comment »
Monday, October 18th, 2010
..August 2010.. ..Nagasaki..
A documentary shot by Community Media about my portrait project From Above. The project concentrates on the lives of Hibakusha (atomic bomb Survivors) and Tokyo fire bombing Survivors. It was shown at Gallery EF in Tokyo during March 2009 and at the Nagasaki Peace Museum during July 2010.
From Above By Paule Saviano from paul saviano on Vimeo.
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Tags: Community Media, Exhibition, From Above, Hibakusha, Interview, Nagasaki, Nagasaki Peace Museum, Tokyo, Tokyo Fire Bombings
Posted in Exhibition, Exhibition Review, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Interviews, Japan, Nagasaki, Tokyo Fire Bombings | 1 Comment »