Archive for March, 2018
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018
..March 2018.. ..Tokyo..
Final week of the From Above exhibition at Gallery EF. Open until Monday April 2nd.

This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.
Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034
Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18
TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079
Tags: Coventry Blitz, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Exhibition, From Above, Gallery EF, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun
Posted in Coventry, Dresden, Exhibition, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun | No Comments »
Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
..March 2018.. ..Tokyo..
From Above exhibition at Gallery EF.

From Above will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.
This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.
Gallery EF is where the From Above project was conceived in 2008 and first exhibited in 2009. It is the project’s spiritual home.
From Above has been exhibited at Gallery EF several times but hasn’t returned in a couple of years. So there are plenty of new portraits that will be shown for the first time.
Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034
Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18
TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079
Tags: Coventry Blitz, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Exhibition, Exhibition Installation, From Above, Gallery EF, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun
Posted in Coventry, Dresden, Exhibition, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
..March 2018.. ..Tokyo..
From Above exhibition at Gallery EF.

From Above will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.
This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.
Gallery EF is where the From Above project was conceived in 2008 and first exhibited in 2009. It is the project’s spiritual home.
From Above has been exhibited at Gallery EF several times but hasn’t returned in a couple of years. So there are plenty of new portraits that will be shown for the first time.
Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034
Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18
TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079
Tags: Coventry Blitz, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Exhibition, Exhibition Installation, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings
Posted in Coventry, Exhibition, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun | No Comments »
Thursday, March 8th, 2018
From Above will be exhibited at Gallery EF in Tokyo, March 11th-April 2nd, 2018.
This From Above exhibition corresponds with the 73rd anniversary of the Tokyo fire bombings that destroyed the city during WWII. It features portraits of firebombing survivors from Tokyo, and other WWII fire bombing survivors from Dresden, Coventry, Rotterdam and Wielun. A small selection of atomic bomb survivor portraits will also be shown to display all the areas that From Above has focused on.
Gallery EF is where the From Above project was conceived in 2008 and first exhibited in 2009. It is the project’s spiritual home.
From Above has been exhibited at Gallery EF several times but hasn’t returned in a couple of years. So there are plenty of new portraits that will be shown for the first time.
Gallery Ef
2-19-18 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 111-0034
Gallery EF
東京都台東区雷門 2-19-18
TEL. 03-3841-0442
FAX. 03-3841-9079

Tags: Coventry Blitz, Dresden firebombings February 13 1945, Exhibition, Exhibition Poster, From Above, Gallery EF, Rotterdam, Tokyo, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun
Posted in Coventry, Dresden, Exhibition, Exhibition Posters, From Above, Gallery EF, Hibakusha, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rotterdam, Tokyo Fire Bombings, Wielun | No Comments »